This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the convexity angle of facial tissue and fingerprint types by analyzing the connection between dermatoglyphic prints and facial structure. A total of 65 adults (24 females, 41 males) participated in the study. Each participant's fingerprint was analyzed using conventional methods of observation upon the index finger of the dominant hand. Fingerprints were classified into 3 fundamental types: arch, whorl, or loop. Craniofacial profiling was performed with measurements of hard tissue (Gl'-A-Pg') and soft tissue facial convexity (Gl-Sn-Pg) and total facial convexity (Gl-Prn-Pg) angles between 3 anthropological points determined on the lateral direct radiographs of the participants. Soft tissue convexity facial angle (Gl-Sn-Pg) values were found to be an average of 166.83°in females and an average of 162.05°in males. (Gl-Prn-Pg) values were found to be an average of 138.54°in females and 135.27°in males. The soft tissue profile of males showed a significantly convex structure compared with females. Also, the "whorl" type of fingerprint was found to be dominant in both sexes. There is no statistically significant difference in terms of soft tissue profile convexity in individuals belonging to the 3 different fingerprint groups. No statistically significant difference in soft tissue profile angular values between right-hand thumb and index fingerprint type groups were found among and between sexes. However, a comprehensive analysis of the relationships between the nose, lips, mouth, ear, and eyes and fingerprints of the same person may prove to be beneficial.