A FORTRAN program for the creation and maintenance of a direct-access file of journal and book references is described. References stored in the file can be accessed by an access number, an author name, or a keyword and written to a user-designated "runoff file" in American Psychological Association (APA) format. Such a data base can be kept as a library of references to be accessed for a bibliography or literature compilation.The problem of maintaining an organized file of journal and book references is common to all researchers. Index card files are often time-consuming to maintain and have become outdated in research laboratories where papers and proposals are typically prepared using word processing systems on a laboratory computer. The purpose of this program is to simplify the task of preparing a paper or proposal by making use of an active data base of journal and book references in connection with a word processing system.
Implementation InformationThe program is written in FORTRAN IV to operate on a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-l1/23 minicomputer under the RSX -11M operating system. Currently, the program is used on a DEC VAX 11/780 computer with a VMS operating system. The "runoff" program supported by many DEC operating systems is required to derive full benefit from the access routines. However, users with some knowledge of FORTRAN can easily alter the output format statements to suit other text processing systems.The data base resides on disk and consists of an alphabetically maintained linked list of references connected by "integer-implemented" pointers. This type of structure allows for efficient use of the FORTRAN directaccess files. The executable code occupies 69 blocks of memory.
Program FeaturesEntry. Two entry options are provided in the main program menu. The "create and enter" option creates a new direct-access file and allows the user to enter references, whereas the "enter" option opens an existing file for the entry of more references.The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions of James H. Howard, Jr., at all stages of the project and the comments of Kevin Bennett and Janet McLeod on an earlier verison of the manuscript. The author's current mailing address is: