show that either a single, fixed end-diastolic ROI over each ventricle, or six ROIs (end-diastolic, end-systolic, and background ROI for each ventricle), can be used for determining the severity of valvular regurgitation. The fixed ROI method showed less variability in normals (F = l2.4, p < 0.01). Both methods deviated from the expected value of unity in normals. The fixed ROI method usually gave LV/RV ratios > 1 and the variable ROI method usually gave ratios < l. The lower ratios in normals and regurgitation given by the variable ROI method were probably related to 1) better separation of the right atrium and right ventricle during systole, but continued overlap during diastole; 2) inadvertent exclusion of a portion of the right ventricle in the systolic ROI;3) SUMMARY Left ventricular (LV) systolic timing and relative volume variations were simultaneously measured by electromagnetic flowmeter (EMF) and high frame rate ECG-gated blood pool scintigraphy in five baboons. No significant differences (p > 0.1, paired t test) were observed in the time (from R wave) to peak aortic flow (maximum LV ejection rate), time to cessation of aortic flow (end-systole) or in the duration of aortic flow (LV ejection time). A small (rol5 msec) but significant systematic difference (p < 0.02) was noted in the time to onset of aortic flow.The shape of each scintigraphic time-activity curve during systole was compared to an equivalent curve synthesized from 10 EMF flow profiles obtained in the same baboon. Comparison of these paired curves over systolic ejection yielded an average correlation of r = 0.95 (range 0.90-0.99). The ratio of peak flow to stroke volume determined from these data did not differ significantly (p > 0.05).In the baboon, quantitative high temporal resolution ECG-gated scintigraphy appears to reflect closely the detailed timing and relative magnitude variation of LV volume during the entire period of systolic ejection. We conclude that the assumptions underlying the scintigraphic method are valid in the baboon during the ejection interval.HIGH FRAME RATE ECG-gated blood pool scintigraphy yields a scintigraphic image sequence The present work addresses these issues (in part) by comparing simultaneous scintigraphic and electromagnetic flowmeter (EMF) measurements of instantaneous systolic LV function in the baboon.
MethodsFive male baboons (average weight 24 kg) constituted the study group. Under anesthesia and with controlled ventilation, a left anterior thoracotomy was performed through the fourth intercostal space. The ascending aorta was dissected free and one of several previously calibrated EMF flow probes installed about the aorta as near as possible to the aortic valve. The probe that most closely fit the aorta without compromising aortic flow was chosen. The probe electrical leads were exteriorized through a separate puncture 312 CIRCULATION