mid Institut fur J%ioclicniic dcr Pflanzen der Alradcniie dcr Wisscnschaften dcr I)I)I<, lIalle/Saalc, DT)lL The Crystal and Molecular Structure of a Dioxan Photoadduct of 3-Dehydro-Gibberellin A1 Methyl Ester Dedicated to Professor Ernst HOHNE on the owasion of his 601 I1 IiirtIitlay T)ie tl-iree-iliini~iisioital st.rncturt: of a dioxan photoadduct of 3-dehyrlro-gih),e~elliii A, iiirthyl esttxr has bwii establislied as (2'S)-3-[dioxaiiyl-(2')]-3-egi-~i~~~eri~Jlii~ A, inethyl vstt;r (1) by X-ray analysis. The compoiincl crystallizes in the orthorhoinbic space group P2,2121 with four inolrcules in the unit cell of diiiieiisions a = 9.751, b = 22.189, c = = 10.064 A. The final R-value is 0.103 for 1151 reflect,ions. D~irch Itiiiitgeiistrrikturanalyse wurde (lie Raunistruktiir eiiies Pliotoaddukts von 1,4-Dioxan urtd 3-dehydro-Gibherellin A, riiethylester als (2'S)-3-[(Dioxanyl-2')]-3-epi-git)bcrcllin A, Ii1t:thylester (7) bestitiinit.. Dio Verbindung 1crist.allisic;i.t i n dor ortholhoiiibisc:heri Kaurngruppe P2,2,%1 iiiit vier Molekiilen in der Elementarzellr:. Die Gitterkonstantcw bctix~gen a = 9,751, b = 22,189, c = 10,064 a. Der abschliel3ende H-Wert betriigt 0,103 fiir 1151 Rt:flcxc,.