Abstract-It is known that extracardiac factors (nervous, humoral, and hemodynamic) participate in the power-law behavior of heart-rate variability. To assess whether intrinsic properties of cardiac tissue might also be involved, beat-rate variability was studied in spontaneously beating cell cultures devoid of extracardiac influences. Extracellular electrograms were recorded from monolayer cultures of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes under stable incubating conditions for up to 9 hours. The beat-rate time series of these recordings were examined in terms of their Fourier spectra and their Hurst scaling exponents. A non-0 Hurst exponent was found in 21 of 22 preparations (0.29Ϯ0.09; range, 0.11 to 0.45), indicating the presence of fractal self-similarity in the beat-rate time series. The same preparations exhibited power-law behavior of the power spectra with a power-law exponent of Ϫ1.36Ϯ0.24 (range, Ϫ1.04 to Ϫ1.96) in the frequency range of 0.001 to 1 Hz. Furthermore, it was found that the power-law exponent was nonstationary over time. These results indicate that the power-law behavior of heart-rate variability is determined not only by extracardiac influences but also by components intrinsic to cardiac tissue. Furthermore, the presence of power-law behavior in monolayer cultures of cardiomyocytes suggests that beat-rate variability might be determined by the complex nonlinear dynamics of processes occurring at the level of the cellular network, eg, interactions among a large number of cell oscillators or metabolic regulatory systems. (Circ Res. 2000;86:1140-1145.)Key Words: heart-rate variability Ⅲ cardiac cell cultures Ⅲ physiology Ⅲ extracellular recording B eat-to-beat variations in cardiac cycle length have received increasing attention, because their characteristics may be used for the assessment and follow-up of various cardiovascular derangements and for risk stratification in the course of cardiac disease, including prediction of arrhythmias in cardiac patients. 1,2 Spectral analysis of beat-rate time series reveals periodic components in heart-rate variability (HRV). 3 In humans, 2 major components are present at frequencies around 0.1 Hz (low-frequency [LF] component) and around 0.25 Hz (highfrequency [HF] component). 4 It is well established that these periodic components are linked to breathing and blood pressure control and that they are mediated by the autonomic nervous system 5,6 and by endocrine influences. 3 However, the analysis of long-term recordings (ie, 24-hour Holter electrocardiograms) indicates that Ͼ95% of the spectral power of HRV is concentrated at frequencies below LF. 1 At these very low frequencies, the spectrum follows a power-law behavior; ie, the intensity of the power spectrum is a power function of frequency. The exponent of this power-law is close to Ϫ1 in healthy human subjects. 7 Several studies showed that this exponent is different after myocardial infarction 8,9 or cardiac transplantation 9 and that the characterization of power-law behavior can yield potent estimate...