Purpose: This study aims to comprehensively examine and empirically test how safety behavior can be realized, by optimizing the role of safety leadership and safety knowledge so as to create a safety climate.
Theoritical Framework: This study uses two theories as the logic of the relationship between the variables studied. Related to the role of safety leadership, the Full-Range Leadership Model theory is applied, while the planned behaviour theory is used to explain the resulting behaviour.
Design/methodologi/approach: The population in this study were employees of manufacturing companies in Banyumas. Starting with providing willingness forms to 15 companies, only 9 companies were willing. While the sample involved with work safety management activities directly was 792 samples. The questionnaire was given openly and randomly, using accidental sampling. The questionnaires collected and included in the criteria were 427 respondents.
Finding: That it has been empirically proven that safety behavior is influenced by safety leadership and safety knowledge through safety climate
Research, Pratical & Social Implication: This research has theoretical implications and practical implications. Theoretically, it is an additional knowledge of the application of work safety behaviour in manufacturing companies. While practically it is an evaluation for companies in implementing safety management.
Originality, value: The originality of this research apart from the conceptual framework is also from the object of research which is carried out on several manufacturing companies with different criteria and implementing a work safety management system. And similar research has never been done especially in Indonesia