This study aims to identify and describe the management of North Jayapura Public Health Center in the stunting prevention program in children aged 3-5 years which covers the availability of input (human resources and supplies, and funds), processes (monitoring, movement and implementation, monitoring, control, and evaluation) and outputs in the Stunting Prevention Program for children aged 3-5 years. This study is qualitative research with a description approach. The study was conducted in North Jayapura Public Health Center from March to May 2023 involving five informants: one head of the public health center as a key informant, one chief of the nutrition and child health services and two staff of the health and child nutrition services as the primary informants, and one patient's family. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain the required primary data. Stunting prevalence reports in North Jayapura Public Health Center in 2022 are used as secondary data. The interviews showed a wide range of roles from various stakeholders in conducting stunting prevention programs, including midwives, nutritionists, the head of the Public Health Center, cadres, community figures, and health promotion. The funds obtained from the Health Operational Assistance (BOK) proved sufficient to implement a stunting prevention program. Facilities and infrastructure in North Jayapura Public Health Center had several adequate facilities such as complete room content based on the needs in implementing the program. The planning process (P1) of the stunting prevention program was carried out by involving screening of pregnant mothers, cooperation with Public Health Center and nursing practitioners, as well as data collection and data analysis, and then planning the activities of the PMT Program. The movement and implementation of the program (P2) was done by monitoring pregnant women at stunting risk and news. The program leaders and the head of the Public Health Center played an important role in the supervision and control of the program. Monitoring, Control, and Performance Assessment (P3) was carried out through supplementary feeding (PMT) and body height and weight monitoring. Coverage availability and monthly reports became important indicators in performance assessment. There were constraints in the effectiveness and efficiency of the program, especially about the availability of time and the economy of the people. Educating patients took a long time, so not all patients get optimal education. The results obtained with the presence of the Stunting Prevention Program in North Jayapura Public Health Center could show how many babies are undernourished in the Region of North Jayapura Public Health Center by always providing education and counseling to the mother to understand the importance of the health of the child. The results of the program giving PMT on the child stunting helped to improve the child's nutrition to be better. In conclusion, the management of stunting prevention programs in North Jayapura Public Health Center requires improvements in resource management, more integrated surveillance, and improved facilities and facilities. Collaboration between the various stakeholders is also the key to the success of the program. With an in-depth understanding of the management of stunting prevention programs, it is expected that the program can be continuously improved to have a positive impact on the health of 3-5-year-olds in the Region.