Research aim: To map the value network in the aircraft manufacturing industry ecosystem and to identify the fundamental values in the industry
Design/Methode/Approach : A literature review was conducted on 26 research papers selected from 132 articles from Scopus and Google Scholar databases. In-depth interviews were conducted with several actors in the industry to validate the study result
Research Finding: Quality, safety, and cost are the essential values in business competition, based on the industry’s long-term strategy and business objectives.
Theoretical contribution/Originality: The using of network value analysis in the aircraft manufacturing industry
Practitioner/Policy implication: The managerial implications of this study are in the form of strategic input for decision-makers in the industry, by understanding their roles and responsibilities in the industry value network.
Research limitation: Since this study was conducted using a qualitative approach, the quantitative survey would be recommended for future study.
he industry value network.