Financial planning for retirement for gig workers is relatively hard given their insecure employment. Factors like employer misplacement of gig workers, a lack of employer-sponsored pension plans, uncertain income, and insufficient financial guidance may make it difficult and stressful for gig workers to arrange their money for retirement. The researchers offer a relationship model in this study, with a quantitative research design chosen to validate the hypothesized elements and construct linkages between them. The main factors that may influence financial planning for retirement stated as financial literacy, retirement goals, future time perspective, social influence, and saving attitude as a mediator. To confirm that, a design questionnaire, which is reliable and acceptable, two steps of verification have followed. First, there is a validation phase in which the questionnaire is reviewed by a panel of experts. Before moving on to the next level, the feedback gathered was followed up on. Second, the pilot study proceeding to investigate the consistency of the instrument analyzed through Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient reliability screening in SPSS 26 software package. Moreover, the results found that all the items were reliable and the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient above 0.7.