“…The main factor for the success of MC in polymer modelling is the development, over the years, of highly sophisticated algorithms which are able to sample very efficiently the phase space of polymeric systems at varied levels of chemical detail. For example in atomistic simulations such localized moves include, among others, the configurational bias (CB) (de Pablo et al, 1992a(de Pablo et al, , 1992bLaso et al, 1992;Siepmann and Frenkel, 1992) and the concerted rotation (ConRot) (Dodd et al, 1993) algorithms. Full-scale, robust equilibration even for very long chains is ensured through the application of advanced, chain-connectivity-altering moves: the end-bridging (EB) (Mavrantzas et al, 1999;Pant and Theodorou, 1995) and the double-bridging (DB) (Karayiannis et al, 2002a(Karayiannis et al, , 2002b.…”