Abstract:In this paper, four kinds of block diffraction models were proposed on the basis of the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction, and these models were validated by experiments with 45 GHz millimeter wave in the laboratory. The results are in agreement with the theoretical analysis. Some errors exist in the measurement results because of the unsatisfactory experimental environment. Single conducting cylindrical block measurement error was less than 0.5 dB, and single man block measurement error in the school laboratory was less than 1 dB, while in the factory laboratory environment, the peak to peak error reached 1.6 dB. Human body block attenuation was about 5.9-9.2 dB lower than that of the single conducting cylinder. A human body and a conducting cylinder were used together as a block in model (c) and model (d), but the positions of the cylinder in the two models were different. The measurement results showed that the attenuation of model (d) is about 3 dB higher than that of model (c).