“… Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; CT CAD, computed tomography computer-aided design; HV, hallux valgus; nr, not reported; NWBR, nonweightbearing radiography; SD, standard deviation; QUACS, Quality Appraisal for Cadaveric Studies; QUADAS, Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies 2; WBCT, weightbearing computed tomography; WBR, weightbearing radiography. a Studies imaging cadavers are marked with a (C); studies imaging patients are marked with a (P). b Eustace et al reported M1 rotation as a categorical variable with 0-, 10-, 20-, and 30-degree rotational classifications. c Denotes statistically significant difference in M1 rotation between groups. d Scheele et al 70 reported M1 rotation among HV patients preoperatively (HV Group) and postoperatively (Control Group). Patient imaging studies showing a low-risk designation in the Patient Selection, Index Test, Reference Standard, and Flow and Timing QUADAS-2 sections were designated “low risk.” If any of these categories were unclear, “unclear risk” was reported. All studies were found to be applicable according the QUADAS Criteria. …”