Antagonists of the δ-opioid receptor are effective in overcoming resistance against analgesic drugs such as morphine. To identify novel antagonists of the δ-opioid receptor that display high potency and low resistance, we performed 3D-QSAR analysis using chemical feature-based pharmacophore models. Chemical features for δ-opioid receptor antagonists were generated using quantitative (Catalyst/HypoGen) and qualitative (Catalyst/ HipHop) approaches. For HypoGen analysis, we collected 16 peptide and 16 non-peptide antagonists as the training set. The best-fit pharmacophore hypotheses of the two antagonist models comprised identical features, including a hydrophobic aromatic (HAR), a hydrophobic (HY), and a positive ionizable (PI) function. The training set of the HipHop model was constructed with three launched opioid drugs. The best hypothesis from HipHop included four features: an HAR, an HY, a hydrogen bond donor (HBD), and a PI function. Based on these results, we confirm that HY, HAR and PI features are essential for effective antagonism of the δ-opioid receptor, and determine the appropriate pharmacophore to design such antagonists.