This is an expository paper about constructions of locally compact, Hausdorff, scattered spaces whose Cantor-Bendixson height has cardinality greater than their Cantor-Bendixson width.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A25, 54A35, 54G12,03E05, 06E15. Key words: Scattered space, thin-tall, partitions, Δ-functions, walks, forcing, constructibility
IntroductionThe terminology used in this paper is standard. Undefined set-theoretic terms can be found in [6] or [12]. Undefined topological terms can be found in [5].The Cantor-Bendixson process for topological spaces is defined as follows. Suppose that X is a topological space. Then, for every ordinal α we define the α-derivative of X by: X 0 = X; if α = β + 1, X α is the set of accumulation points of X β ; and if α is a limit, X α = {X β : β < α}. We say that X is scattered, if X α = ∅ for some ordinal α.The Cantor-Bendixson process permits us to split a scattered space into levels. Suppose that X is a scattered space. We define the height of X by ht(X) = the least ordinal α such that X α is finite.For α < ht(X), we write I α (X) = X α \ X α+1 . If x ∈ I α (X), we say that α is the level of x and we write ρ(x) = α. Note that ρ(x) = α means that x is an 1 The preparation of this paper was supported by