“…All NMR experiments were acquired at 600 MHz on a Varian Unityplus spectrometer+ Homonuclear 2D NOE spectra (mixing time 50, 150, and 400 ms) in D 2 O were recorded at 20 8C, 30 8C, and 35 8C (400 t 1 values with 32 scans each, recycling delay 2+0 s)+ DQF-COSY spectra were acquired similarly+ TOCSY experiments were run with MLEV-17 mixing and cycling (Bax & Davies, 1985) (mixing time 30 and 75 ms)+ Twodimensional NOE experiments in H 2 O were collected at 10 8C using the SSnoesy pulse sequence (Smallcombe, 1993)+ Translational diffusion constants, D t , were determined with the water-sLED sequence (Altieri et al+, 1995) and subsequent fitting of the intensities of the aromatic signals to (Haner & Schleich, 1989;Lapham et al+, 1997)+ Here, A and A 0 are peak intensities at a given gradient strength G z and without a gradient, respectively; g is the gyromagnetic ratio of 1 H; d is the duration of the gradient and ⌬ is the time between gradients+ One-bond heteronuclear correlations were obtained with 1 H 15 N-HMQC or CT-1 H 13 C-HSQC experiments (Santoro & King, 1992)+ Ribose spin systems were elucidated with 3D-HCCH-COSY and -TOCSY experiments (Nikonowicz & Pardi, 1993)+ The latter experiment also detected long range H2-H8 correlations Marino et al+, 1994)+ To complete assignments and extract structural information, 3D-1 H 13 C 1 H-NOESY-HMQC experiments (Marion et al+, 1989;Nikonowicz & Pardi, 1993) were collected for all labeled 43mer samples (mixing time 150 ms) and optimized for either observation of aromatic or ribose 13 C 1 H moieties+ For A43mer and G43mer samples, 2D…”