MSC (2000) 74A20, 74A60, 74F15, 74N15The purpose of the current work is the comparison of a phenomenological and a laminatebased model for rate-dependent switching in ferroelectric single crystals. To this end, the phenomenological model formulation of [1] is considered. In this model, the polarization vector is treated as an internal variable. The evolution of the polarization determines the remanent strain; dependence of energy storage on its direction results in generally transverse isotropic material behavior. This is compared here with a laminate-based model in which the volume fractions of ferroelectric variants are treated as internal variables. The evolution of these volume fractions determines in turn the remanent strain and polarization as volume averages of corresponding ferroelectric variant quantities. Besides a comparison of the respective model formulations, the phenomenological and laminate models are compared in the context of numerical simulation examples. It turns out that both modeling frameworks nicely recapture the underlying dissipative and rate-dependent effects, which is represented by means of simulated butterfly curves and hysteresis loops under homogeneous loading conditions as well as by finite element simulations.