Although soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) functions in an environment in which O 2 , NO, and CO are potential ligands for its heme moiety, the enzyme displays a high affinity for only its physiological ligand, NO, but has a limited affinity for CO and no affinity for O 2 . Recent studies of a truncated version of the sGC  1 -subunit containing the heme-binding domain (Boon, E. M., Huang, S H., and Marletta, M. A. (2005) Nat. Chem. Biol., 1, 53-59) showed that introduction of the hydrogen-bonding tyrosine into the distal heme pocket changes the ligand specificity of the heme moiety and results in an oxygen-binding sGC. The hypothesis that the absence of hydrogen-bonding residues in the distal heme pocket is sufficient to provide oxygen discrimination by sGC was put forward. We tested this hypothesis in a context of a complete sGC heterodimer containing both the intact ␣ 1 -and  1 -subunits. We found that the I145Y substitution in the full-length -subunit of the sGC heterodimer did not produce an oxygen-binding enzyme. However, this substitution impeded the association of NO and destabilized the NO⅐heme complex. The tyrosine in the distal heme pocket also impeded both the binding and dissociation of the CO ligand. We propose that the mechanism of oxygen exclusion by sGC not only involves the lack of hydrogen bonding in the distal heme pocket, but also depends on structural elements from other domains of sGC.
Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC)4 is a member of the guanylyl cyclase family of proteins, which respond to various ligands by converting GTP into cGMP. sGC stands apart from other members of its family by the nature of its activating ligand. Although other guanylyl cyclases are stimulated in response to various hormonal peptide ligands such as natriuretic peptides, guanylins, or toxins like heat-stable enterotoxin (see Ref. 1 for review), sGC is activated several hundredfold upon exposure to NO produced by nitric-oxide synthase. sGC is the key component of the NO/cGMP pathway and is crucial in mediating various physiological effects of NO such as blood vessel relaxation, inhibition of platelet aggregation, neurotransmission, and many others (2).The affinity of the sGC enzyme for NO is mediated by the ferrous heme prosthetic group. sGC possesses a ligand selectivity unique for hemeproteins. NO binds to the sGC heme at rates that are almost diffusion-limited (3) to form a stable NO⅐heme complex. High affinity coupled with high specificity for NO is essential for sGC to function as an NO receptor. Although sGC functions in the intracellular environment containing 20 -40 M O 2 and up to 10 nM NO during NO synthesis (4), sGC is capable of discriminating between these two similar molecules in favor of NO. Moreover, even in the absence of NO, sGC does not form an oxyferrous heme complex and does not show any significant autoxidation. This is especially interesting considering that, in some aspects, the sGC heme is similar to the heme moiety of globin oxygen carriers such as myoglobins and hemoglobins. Similar to globi...