We consider the energy supercritical wave maps from R d into the d-sphere S d with d ≥ 7. Under an additional assumption of 1-corotational symmetry, the problem reduces to the one dimensional semilinear wave equation1 1-COROTATIONAL ENERGY SUPERCRITICAL WAVE MAPS 5 Remark 1.3. The proof of Theorem 1.1 involves a detailed description of the the set of initial data leading to the type II blowup with the quantization of the blowup rate (1.13). In particular, given ℓ ∈ N * , L ≫ 1 and s ∼ L, our initial data is of the formwhere Q b is a deformation of the ground state Q = (Q, 0), and b = (b 1 , · · · , b L ) correspond to possible unstable directions of the flow in theḢ s ×Ḣ s−1 topology in a suitable neighborhood of Q.We show that for all q 0 ∈ O ⊂ Ḣ σ ∩Ḣ s × Ḣ σ−1 ∩Ḣ s−1 , where the set O is built on the linearized operator (see Definition 3.1 for its precise description of O) and for all b 1 (0), b ℓ+1 (0), · · · , b L (0) small enough, there exists a choice of unstable directions b 2 (0), · · · , b ℓ (0) such that the solution of (1.3) with initial data (1.15) satisfies the conclusion of Theorem 1.1. The control of (ℓ − 1) unstable modes is done through a topological argument based on Brouwer's fixed point theorem. In some sense, the set of blowup solutions we construct lies on a (ℓ − 1) codimension manifold in the radial class whose proof would require some Lipschitz regularity of the set of initial data we consider and it would be addressed separately in detail.Remark 1.4. It is worth mentioning that our analysis relies only on the study of supercritical Sobolev norms built on the linearized operator, thus, the finiteness of the H 1 norm of the initial data is not requested. Roughly speaking, the initial data (u 0 , u 1 ) can be taken smooth and compactly supported, namely that if u = Q+ε, we take ε(r) ∼ −Q(r) for r ≫ 1. Since the energy is conserved, our constructed solution can be taken to be of finite energy or even compactly supported. As a matter of fact, the finite energy together with the constructed manifold mentioned in the previous remark ensures that the original solution Φ to the wave map equation (1.2) has the same the regularity as for the 1-corotational symmetric solution u described in Theorem 1.1.Remark 1.5. We note from (1.12) thatThis implies that our constructed solution is of Type II blowup in the sense of (1.5).Remark 1.6. Following the work by Côte et al. [18,19] where the question of the classification of the flow near the special class of stationary solution Q are considered in the energy critical setting, i.e. d = 2, we would address the same question for the energy supercritical case d ≥ 7. In Theorem 1.1, the constructed blowup solutions exhibit the decomposition of the form (1.12). Here we ask for a converse problem, namely that if blowup does occur for a solution u, in which energy regime and in what sense does such the decomposition (1.12) always hold? Remark 1.7. It is worth mentioning the work of Krieger-Schlag-Tataru [36], where the authors constructed for equation (1.3) in the...