New models are investigated in this paper, that describe equilibrium states of plates with Signorini type nonpenetration conditions. In these models, it is assumed that under appropriate loading, plates have special deformations with already known configurations of edges. For this case, we deal with new non-penetration conditions that allow us to describe more precisely the possibility of contact interaction of plate edges. Using the method of fictitious domains, it is proved that an original contact problem for a plate can be obtained by passing to the limit when a rigidity parameter tends to infinity from a family of auxiliary problems formulated in a wider domain. The mentioned family of problems model an equilibrium state of plates with a crack and depend on the positive rigidity parameter. For these problems, to prevent a mutual penetration of the opposite crack faces boundary conditions of inequality type are imposed on the inner boundary corresponding to the crack. For the problem, describing a plate with a crack that intersects the external boundary at zero angle (a case of a boundary having one cusp), the unique solvability is proved.