We further research on the acceleration phenomenon on Riemannian manifolds by introducing the first global first-order method that achieves the same rates as accelerated gradient descent in the Euclidean space for the optimization of smooth and geodesically convex (g-convex) or strongly g-convex functions defined on the hyperbolic space or a subset of the sphere, up to constants and log factors. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method that is proved to achieve these rates globally on functions defined on a Riemannian manifold M other than the Euclidean space. Additionally, for any Riemannian manifold of bounded sectional curvature, we provide reductions from optimization methods for smooth and gconvex functions to methods for smooth and strongly g-convex functions and vice versa. As a proxy, we solve a constrained non-convex Euclidean problem, under a condition between convexity and quasar-convexity.However, the acceleration phenomenon, largely celebrated in the Euclidean space, is still not understood in Riemannian manifolds, although there has been some progress on this topic recently (cf. Related work). This poses the following question, which is the central subject of this paper:Can a Riemannian first-order method enjoy the same rates as AGD in the Euclidean space?