We prove the three propositions are equivalent: (a) Every Hausdorff continuum has two or more shore points. (b) Every Hausdorff continuum has two or more non-block points. (c) Every Hausdorff continuum is coastal at each point. Thus it is consistent that all three properties fail. We also give the following characterisation of shore points: The point p of the continuum X is a shore point if and only if there is a net of subcontinua in {K ∈ C(X) : K ⊂ κ(p) − p} tending to X in the Vietoris topology. This contrasts with the standard characterisation which only demands the net elements be contained in X − p. In addition we prove every point of an indecomposable continuum is a shore point. 1 Introduction Leonel [11] has improved the classic non-cut point theorem of Moore [13] by showing every metric continuum has two or more shore points. Bobok, Pyrih and Vejnar [6] observed Leonel's two shore points have the stronger property of being non-block points. In [2] the author proved it is consistent the result fails to generalise to Hausdorff continua. Under Near Coherence of Filters (NCF) the Stone-Čech remainder H * of the half-line lacks nonblock points and hence lacks coastal points. This left open the question of whether there is a consistent example of a Hausdorff continuum without shore points. This paper gives a positive answer. Indeed we show the shore point and non-block point existence problems are equivalent. They are also equivalent to a number of other problems involving shore, non-block, and coastal points of Hausdorff continua. We also prove every shore point p ∈ X has the stronger property of being a proper shore point. That means there is a net of subcontinua in the hyperspace {K ∈ C(X) : K ⊂ κ(p) − p} tending to X in the Vietoris topology. This is not apparent from the definition of a shore point, which only requires the net elements be contained in X − p.