The mammalian organism maintains
stable, efficient, and “near-optimal”
performance and homeostasis in the face of external and internal perturbations
via distinct biological systems ranging from the large-scale physiological
(nervous, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.), to
the cellular (growth and proliferation regulation, DNA damage repair,
etc.), and the subcellular (gene expression, protein synthesis, metabolite
regulation, etc.). A control engineering perspective of the function,
organization, and coordination of these multiscale biological systems
and the control mechanisms that enable them to carry out their functions
effectively provides a framework for understanding the occurrence
of diseases as a consequence of the malfunction of components of these
biological control systems, with implications for the design of effective
treatments and the prevention of diseases. This paper provides an
overview of how physiological life is made possible by control and
argues for the usefulness of a control engineering perspective of
pathologies for diagnosis, design, and implementation of effective
treatmentsespecially for personalized (precision) medicine
for “optimizing health”. We present a control engineering
perspective of this emerging approach to medical practice which we
employ to make the case for the role that process systems engineering
will play in enabling health care delivery of the future. The highlighted
concepts and principles are illustrated with a modest clinical example
from the literature involving platelet count control for an immune
thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) patient.