ABSTRACT. The electrophysiologic effects of the new antiarrhythmic agent, propafenone, were investigated in 10 mongrel canine neonates, ages 5 to 11 days. Utilizing standard His bundle recording and stimulation techniaues. assessments of sinus and atrGventricular (AV) node func: tion and atrial, AV nodal, and ventricular refractory periods were performed prior to (control) and after cumulative intravenous doses of 1, 2, and 4 mg/kg of propafenone. Provafenone depressed the svontaneous heart rate and the postatrial pacing recovery times. AV nodal function was de~ressed as manifested bv Wenckebach periodicity occurring at slower pacing rates, increases in AV nodal conduction time, and increases in AV nodal refractoriness. Atrial and ventricular refractory periods were prolonged significantly in a dose-dependent fashion. arrhythmias. Furthermore, the electrophysiologic effects of type IC agents in general have not been defined in the immature heart. Current information available concerning the effects of propafenone have been derived from studies of isolated cardiac tissues (9, 10) and studies in adult humans (2, 6, 11) and adult dogs (12). We undertook this study to assess the electrophysiologic responses of the immature mammalian heart to incremental doses of this new antiarrhythmic agent.
METHODSTen mongrel canine neonates, ages 5 to 11 days, were studied. All animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital, 30 mg/kg intraperitoneally, and supplemented intravenously as needed to maintain anesthesia. The dogs were mechanically ventilated with a Hamard respirator.Surface electrocardiographic lead I1 and femoral artery blood pressure were constantly monitored. Three electrode catheters were used for intracardiac electrogram recordings and stimulation and were positioned utilizing fluoroscopic visual guidance. A no. 5 French quadripolar catheter was positioned in the high right atrium using a right femoral vein approach; a no. 5 French quadripolar catheter was positioned in the right ventricular apex using a right jugular vein approach and, in brder to record the His bundle electrogram, a no. 4 French tripolar catheter was positioned in the noncoronary aortic cusp via the left carotid artery. Intracardiac electrograms were amplified at a filter setting of 40-500 Hz and displayed with the surface ECG on a multichannel oscilloscope (Electronics for Medicine, DR-6). Recordings were made on direct writing paper (Kodak Linagraph Paper 220 1) at a vaver sveed of 100 mmls.~Aificiai siimuiation was perfokned utilizing a programable digital stimulator (Medtronics, model 5325). Electrical impulses of 2 ms duration were delivered at twice diastolic threshold. Atrial and ventricular single extrastimulation was performed by introducing a premature beat (S2) after every eighth paced beat of a paced cycle length (SISI) at 10 ms decrements until atrial or ventricular refractoriness was reached. Rapid atrial and ventricular pacing for 30 and 15 s, respectively, was performed starting at a rate slightly above the resting heart ra...