The Diels-Alder product 1 is transformed by Noyori reaction and catalytic hydrogenation to 4. Hydrolysis with concomitant decarboxylation of 4 furAminosiiuren, 12 Mitt.": (i)Pipecollnsaure-Derivate, Teil2 Eine ergiebige Synthese substituierter Pipecolinsauren nishesthe truns configuration amino acid 5. Functional group transformation (reduction, lactonization) of 5 provides 7, ring opening affords the pipecolic acid derivative 9. On the other hand 1 is hydrolyzed to 10 and 4-0x0-pipecolic acid 11. Reduction of 10 and subsequent hydrolysis with decarboxylation of 12 affords the amino acid 13a/13b in a cis/fruns ratio of 1:l. Contraty to this result, reduction of 11 provides 13a/13b in a ratio of 2 95/5In the foregoing report') we described the [4+2] cycloaddition of electrophilic N-acyl-imines and N-sulfonyl-imines, resp., with various 1,3-dienes to 4-oxo-piperidine-2,2-dicarboxylates. In this publication we present an expeditious method for the synthesis of cis 4-hydroxy-pipecolic acid (13a) and its frans 5-benzyl derivative 9. These reaction sequences will be useful in the synthesis of glycosidase inhibitors and especially modified aza sugars2).The stable t-Butyldimethylsilyl enol ether 1, easily accessible by Diels-Alder reaction'), was reacted with an excess of triethylammonium fluoride3) in tetrahydrofuran to give 10. These neutral reaction conditions were chosen, because with tetrabutylammonium fluoride in THF rearrangement of one of the methoxycarbonyl groups from position 2 to 5 occurred. The same held true when 10 was treated with strong bases (LDA, NaOCH3)4). Furthermore, cleavage of the silyl en01 ether 1 in basic medium gave major amounts of the 5,6didehydro derivative of 10. Hydrolysis and concomitant decarboxylation of 10 with HBr furnished 4-0x0-pipecolic acid hydrobromide l15). Reduction of 10 with N a B h provided 12, which on hydrolysis gave a diastereomeric mixture of cis and trans 4-hydroxy-pipecolic acid in the expected ratio of 1: 1 (Scheme 1).We reasoned first that reduction of 11 with NaB& via formation of l l c should provide the trans product 13b with high diastereoselectivitf) but this was not the case (Scheme 2).'H-NMR spectroscopy of 11 in D M S O 4 showed that the carboxyl group is in equatorial position, indicated by the Ha-2/Ha-3 coupling constant of 1 1.7 Hz, characteristic for a diaxial position of the two hydrogens. In methanol-d4 the hemiketal lla/llb in a 1:l mixture of diastereomers is the only detectable species as the I3C-NMR spectrum clearly shows (scheme 3).Treatment of 11 with NaB& in NazC03-solution furnished 13 in a cisffrans ratio of 2 9515. This can be ration- alized by hydride attack of the 4-position from the less hindered side of 11.Chemical proof for the cis configuration of 13a was given by the transformation of the tosyl-derivative 14a to 15a. This lactonization is not unreasonable for hydroxyl and carboxyl groups in 1,3 position'). On the other hand, Mifsunobu reaction') of 14b provided also 15a with inversion of the configuration. The highly strained lactone ...