The fabrication of evermore sophisticated miniaturised soft robotic components made up of Electro-Active Polymers (EAPs) is constantly demanding parallel development from the in-silico simulation point of view. The incorporation of crystallographic anisotropic microarchitectures, within an otherwise nearly uniform isotropic soft polymer matrix, has shown great potential in terms of advanced three-dimensional actuation (i.e. stretching, bending, twisting), especially at large strains, that is, beyond the onset of geometrical pull-in instabilities. To accommodate for this in-silico response, this paper presents a phenomenological invariant-based polyconvex transversely isotropic framework for the simulation of EAPs at large strains. This research expands previous work developed by Gil and Ortigosa for isotropic EAPs [40] with the help of the pioneering work by Schröeder and Neff [81] in the context of polyconvexity for materials endowed with crystallographic architectures in single physics mechanics. The paper also summarises key important results both in terms of the existence of minimisers and material stability. In addition, a series of numerical examples is presented in order to demonstrate the effect that the anisotropic orientation and the contrast of material properties, as well as the level of deformation and electric field, have upon the response of the EAP when subjected to large three-dimensional stretching, bending and torsion, including the possible development of wrinkling.