If K is a compact, connected, simply connected Lie group, its based loop group ΩK is endowed with a Hamiltonian S 1 × T action, where T is a maximal torus of K. Atiyah and Pressley [AP83] examined the image of ΩK under the moment map µ, while Jeffrey and Mare [JM10] examined the corresponding image of the real locus ΩK τ for a compatible anti-symplectic involution τ . Both papers generalize well known results in finite dimensions, specifically the Atiyah-Guillemin-Sternberg theorem, and Duistermaat's convexity theorem. In the spirit of Kirwan's convexity theorem [Kir84], this paper aims to further generalize the two aforementioned results by demonstrating convexity of ΩK and its real locus ΩK τ in the full non-abelian regime, resulting from the Hamiltonian S 1 × K action. In particular, this is done by appealing to the Bruhat decomposition of the algebraic (affine) Grassmannian, and appealing to the "highest weight polytope" results for Borel-invariant varieties of Guillemin and Sjamaar [GS06] and Goldberg [Gol09].