Economic development of low permeability gas reservoirs often necessitates the use of massive hydraulic fracturing. Assessment of the effectiveness of the induced fracture requires knowledge of the dimensions, orientation, and spatial characteristics of the fracture in relation to the gas-bearing formation. A comprehensive characterization of fracture propagation not only aids in fracture treatment design for the reservoir, but can also help specify well spacings which will minimize interference of drainage patterns and thus maximize economic-recovery potential.
This paper presents an approach to the development of a comprehensive fracture diagnostics program. The fracture diagnostics subprogram for the Multi-Well Stimulation Experiment is discussed in detail, including fielding descriptions and operational procedures. Synopses of measurement techniques are given with emphasis on the fracture parameters one would expect to estimate from the individual instrumentation systems.
The National Petroleum Council estimates that there are 924 trillion cubic feet [262 × 10(11) m3] of gas in place in the U.S. tight gas basins. Historically, tight gas fields have been uneconomical and inefficient to produce due to the low natural flow rates of the gas. With the introduction of massive hydraulic fracturing, the outlook for increased production from blanket (continuous) formations has improved. However, current fracturing technology applied to lenticular tight gas reservoirs, containing more than 40 percent of the estimated recoverable tight gas, has been disappointing.
A Multi-Well Experiment (MWX) has been conceived to address the uncertainties concerning production of the lenticular tight gas resource. The MWX site is in the Rulison field in the Piceance Basin of Colorado. The formation of interest lies Piceance Basin of Colorado. The formation of interest lies between 3900 and 8300 ft (1190 and 2530 m). Lenticular sands constitute most of this interval with continuous blanket sandstones at the base of the column. Two closely-spaced wells, a stimulation-production well and an offset well for stress and interference testing and diagnostics, have been completed through the interval. The two wells are approximately 110 ft. (34 m) apart.
Stimulation Experiment I (SX-1) may be conducted in the blanket Cozzette formation which lies at a depth of approximately 7800 to 8000 ft (2380 to 2440 m). One goal of this first experiment is to characterize the hydraulic fracture geometry. In order to provide a data base from which the geometry of the propagating fracture can be inferred, a number of geophysical propagating fracture can be inferred, a number of geophysical diagnostic techniques, which either exist commercially or are under development and testing, will be fielded. These techniques include the use of (1) passive borehole and surface microseismic techniques, (2) a surface electrical potential system, (3) tiltmeters, (4) surface and downhole pressure probes, (5) temperature logs, and (6) radiation logs. The fracture geometry parameters to be estimated from this instrumentation suite are parameters to be estimated from this instrumentation suite are fracture azimuth, height, length, and asymmetry.
Fracture azimuth, height, and extent during the initial stages of stimulation can be inferred from seismic signals received during non-proppant pumping times. The seismic events are thought to be caused by shear fractures induced by high pore fluid pressure occurring on planes of weakness in the rock surrounding the large hydraulic fracture.
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