New phenomena involving pseudorapidity and azimuthal correlations among final state particles in pp collisions at the LHC can hint at the existence of hidden sectors beyond the Standard Model. In this paper we rely on a correlated-cluster picture of multiparticle production, which was shown to account for the ridge effect, to assess the effect of a hidden sector on three-particle correlations concluding that there is a potential signature of new physics that can be directly tested by experiments using well-known techniques.
Keywords: pp interactions at LHC, Models beyond the Standard Model, Multiparticle azimuthal and rapidity correlations, Hidden Valley models, Correlated clustersRegistered preprint number: arXiv:1802.06703Multiparticle correlations represent a powerful tool for understanding the underlying dynamics of particle production mechanisms and to reveal signatures of new and/or unknown phenomena [1,2,3,4,5]. Being sensitive to any observable deviation from a conventional hadronization process, the correlations are especially suited to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model as predicted, e.g., by some Hidden Valley models [6,7].According to these models, the decay length of hidden particles (e.g. hadrons made of v-quarks) can vary wildly, depending on the parameters of the model, leading to completely distinct phenomenologies. If they are stable, hidden particles will leave the detector providing a missing energy signature. If, instead, they decay back into Standard Model particles within the detector, a possible signature will consist of displaced vertices. Finally, if hidden particles decay promptly into usual partons, more subtle signatures should be expected in events generally characterized by large multiplicities [8,9,11,12].In this work, we extend our previous three-particle correlation studies [13] by including a new step in the particle production process resulting from an additional contribution due to the hypothetical formation of an unconventional state of matter on top of the partonic cascade as discussed by us earlier [4,14]. The study is carried out within a model of clusters correlated in the collision transverse plane, providing [15] a natural description of the near-side ridge observed in two-particle correlations for all colliding particles and nuclei (for a review, see [5] and similar results in [16]). Being generalized to higher-order correlations, the model was found [13] to show that the ridge-effect should also hold for three-particle correlations, in accordance with [17].The predictions made in this paper can be compared with similar studies at the LHC to search for NP expected to modify the parton shower hadronizing to final-state particles [8,10]. To this aim, specific selection cuts should be applied to those events to be tagged as done, e.g. in the discovery of the nearside ridge in pp interactions. In the latter case, the application of selection criteria, such as p T and high multiplicity cuts, successfully led to the finding of the effect. Similarly, to enhance ...