In this study, we investigated the effect of brief motion priming and adaptation, occurring at the earliest levels of the cortical visual stream, on time-to-contact (TTC) estimation of a target passing behind an occluder. By using different exposure times of directional motion presented in the occluder area prior to the target's disappearance behind it, our aim was to modulate (prime or adapt) the extrapolated motion of the invisible target, thus producing different TTC estimates. Our results showed that longer (yet subsecond) exposures to motion in the same direction as the target produced late TTC estimates, whereas shorter exposures produced shorter TTC estimates, indicating that rapid forms of motion adaptation and motion priming affect extrapolated motion. Our findings suggest that motion extrapolation might occur at the earliest levels of cortical processing of motion, at which these rapid mechanisms of priming and adaptation take place.Keywords Motion extrapolation . Motion adaptation . Visual motion priming . Time to contact . TTC . rMAE . rVMPIn everyday life, moving objects frequently appear and disappear behind occluders, such as in the case of a motorbike passing beyond stationary cars and buses parked in front of us. Despite the disappearance of the motorbike, we are very good at estimating the time of the bike's reappearance between one vehicle and the other. This process has been psychophysically studied using the prediction-of-motion (PM) paradigm, in which participants estimate the time to contact (TTC): Having seen the initial part of an object's trajectory prior to occlusion, they are asked to estimate when the object moving behind the occluder would reach a given point, usually the end of the occluder. By means of manipulating the variables related to the object's motion (e.g., velocity, occlusion distance, and/or duration) or other features (size, contrast, or shape), many studies have investigated the underlying processes involved in PM