Brain metastases occur in up to 40% of patients with cancer.1,2 Randomized trials have demonstrated improved survival and quality of life when radiosurgery is added to conventional whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT). 3 Radiosurgery has thus become the standard of care in conjunction with WBRT for the treatment of brain metastases. Currently, its largest use is in the treatment of brain metastases. 4 Radiosurgery can be delivered by either modifying an existing linear accelerator 'fixed-gantry' system (which can also deliver 'other' radiotherapy treatments), or by acquiring a dedicated radiosurgery unit, such as a 'robotic' system. 5 Both methods produce accuracy to within 1 mm of target volume, and thus both are deemed equally effective and equally safe. [6][7][8] However, community need, costs, patient preferences and budget constraints are important considerations in decisionmaking. We performed an economic evaluation of robotic radiosurgery for brain metastases in comparison to fixed gantry radiosurgery in order to help guide decision makers.
ABSTRACT:Background: Radiosurgery can be delivered through a variety of modalities including robotic and fixed gantry linacbased systems. They appear equally effective and safe. Thus, community need and costs remain the main determinants for choosing a given modality. We performed an economic evaluation to identify settings in which one modality could be preferred over the other. Methods: Using local estimates of resource volumes and unit prices, we computed the incremental cost/patient of robotic radiosurgery compared to fixed-gantry radiosurgery from a payer's perspective. By varying parameters of resource volumes, we performed a probabilistic analysis stratified by number of brain lesions. in addition, we performed sensitivity analyses to examine the effect of patient volume on cost/patient. Results: The cost of robotic radiosurgery was $4,783/patient, and cost of fixed-gantry radiosurgery was $5,166/patient. The mean incremental cost was $-383 (95% interval: $-670, $110) for all lesions, $78 ($23, $123) for solitary lesions, and $-610 ($-679, $-534) for multiple lesions. The cost/patient of robotic radiosurgery varied from $5,656 (low volume setting) to $4,492 (high volume setting). Conclusion: in settings of moderate to high volume (6-10 hours of daily operation), and in multiple lesions, robotic radiosurgery is more cost effective than fixed-gantry radiosurgery.RÉSUMÉ: Technique utilisée et coût de la radiochirurgie pour le traitement de 1 à 3 métastases cérébrales. Contexte : la radiochirurgie peut être administrée au moyen de différentes modalités dont les systèmes robotisés et de type liNAC à portique fixe. Ces modalités de traitement semblent être également efficaces et sûres. le choix de l'une ou l'autre semble déterminé par les besoins de la communauté et les coûts. Nous avons effectué une évaluation économique pour identifier le contexte dans lequel l'une pourrait être préférée à l'autre. Méthode : Nous avons calculé ce que coûterait par patient la radioch...