A graph G admiting a 2-factor is pseudo 2-factor isomorphic if the parity of the number of cycles in all its 2-factors is the same. In [1] some of the authors of this note gave a partial characterisation of pseudo 2-factor isomorphic bipartite cubic graphs and conjectured that K 3,3 , the Heawood graph and the Pappus graph are the only essentially 4-edge-connected ones. In [7] Jan Goedgebeur computationally found a graph G on 30 vertices which is pseudo 2-factor isomorphic cubic and bipartite, essentially 4-edgeconnected and cyclically 6-edge-connected, thus refuting the above conjecture. In this note, we describe how such a graph can be constructed from the Heawood graph and the generalised Petersen graph GP (8, 3), which are the Levi graphs of the Fano 7 3 configuration and the Möbius-Kantor 8 3 configuration, respectively. Such a description of G allows us to understand its automorphism group, which has order 144, using both a geometrical and a graph theoretical approach simultaneously. Moreover we illustrate the uniqueness of this graph.