Abstract. Observations of the Martian planetary boundary layer lead to interpretations that are baffling and contradictory. In this paper we specifically address the question of whether or not water vapor finds a substantial diurnal reservoir in the Martian regolith. To address this issue, we have measured H20 adsorption kinetics on SWy-1, a Na-rich montmorillonite from Wyoming. The highest-temperature (273 K) data equilibrate rapidly. Data gathered at realistic H20 partial pressures and temperatures appropriate to early morning show two phenomena that preclude a significant role for smectites in diurnally exchanging a large column abundance. First, the equilibration timescale is longer than a sol. Second, the equilibrium abundances are a small fraction of that predicted by earlier adsorption isotherms. The explanation for this phenomenon is that smectite clay actually increases its surface area as a function of adsorptive coverage. At Mars-like conditions we show that the interlayer sites of smectites are likely to be unavailable.
Martian Boundary Layer Is PuzzlingObservations of the Martian planetary boundary layer, although incomplete and difficult to reduce, lead to interpretations that are baffling and contradictory. In this paper we specifically address the question of whether or not water vapor finds a substantial diurnally exchangeable reservoir in the Martian regolith. The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is the lowest section of the atmosphere, which is diurnally affected by substantial momentum transfer from the heated planetary surface. Observations disagree on whether or not the total atmospheric column abundance of H20 varies significantly at a specific location as a function of hour angle. Some observations, chiefly from ground-based telescopes and from the infrared mapping spectrometer (ISM) instrument on Phobos, indicate a tremendous variation over the course of the day. Other observations, specifically, those from Pathfinder and the Viking Orbiters, are most conveniently interpreted to indicate no measurable diurnal variations in the H20 column abundance. Numerical models of the PBL, coupled with an adsorbing material on the Martian regolith, have been developed and exercised in a variety of configurations. They are uniformly unable to predict observable diurnal variations in atmospheric H20 abundance when constrained with independent variables that are most compatible with observations. That said, there are clearly ways in which models can be forced to predict substantial diurnal exchange, although this comes at the cost of violating observational constraints. The simplest technique for forcing substantial exchange is to posit that the Martian surface is locally covered with a highly adsorbing smectite clay. These clays have a much larger adsorptive capacity than ordinary particulates comprising regolith One important assumption must be made, however, in order to force PBL models to predict observable diurnal H20 exchange with smectite clays: the clays must equilibrate with the surr...