Abstract-This paper presents a microstrip wideband antenna and its utilization in integration of multiple wireless communication systems. A simple fork-like strip antenna, fed by a coplanar-waveguide (CPW) transmission line, is designed to excite a right-hand circularly polarized wave at 1.57 GHz. A rectangular patch is added at the end of one prong to enhance the circular polarization performance. By modifying the geometry of the ground plane, a left-hand circularly polarized wave is excited at 2.33 GHz, and the wideband frequency response is derived. To reduce the lower resonant frequency, a stub is added at the left side of the ground plane. The measured impedance bandwidth of reflection coefficients (S 11 ) < −10 dB ranges from 1.49 to 2.92 GHz, which satisfies the system bandwidths of most of commercial wireless communication systems. The 3-dB axial-ratio bandwidths are approximately 40 MHz at the lower band (1.57 GHz) and 290 MHz at the upper band (2.33 GHz).