(1994), entre outros. O percurso metodológico do estudo baseou-se na pesquisa quanto-qualitativa, em que utilizamos como instrumento de coleta de dados questionários. Para a escolha dos sujeitos que compõe a pesquisa, usamos o método de análise aleatória simples, conforme apresenta Gil (1999). De acordo com os pensamentos dos autores e as análises dos dados da pesquisa, percebemos que não importa o contexto em que vivem, as crianças acabam, de algum modo, brincando. As brincadeiras mais comuns tanto na infância das crianças de ontem, quanto na infância das crianças de hoje, são brincadeiras que sejam desenvolvidas coletivamente. Entendemos que esses tipos de brincadeiras trazem grandes benefícios à infância, pois desenvolvem aspectos motores, cognitivos, afetivos, sociais, entre outros. É importante evidenciar que a brincadeira também é responsável pela propagação da cultura, geração a geração, residindo nesse aspecto à relevância da temática para a educação e para a sociedade.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE:Brincadeiras, Desenvolvimento, Atividade lúdica, Cultura.
CHILD'S GAMES OF YESTERDAY'S AND TODAY'S CHILDREN IN THE SOCIOCULTURAL CONTEXT ABSTRACTA child's game can be characterized as a simple instrument that allows children development. This research wants to understand, from a sociocultural perspective, the relation between traditional child's games with the newer games that involve technology. We want to identify the main factors that influence the act of children playing. This study was performed with children and adults from the Municipal School Paulo Cavalcante de Moura, in the city of Mossoró/RN. With this research we intend to verify in which game-playing context children of the past and of the present are situated. We employed the following authors for theoretical support: Brougère (2010), Kishimoto (2001), Vygotsky (2007), Piaget (1994, among others. For this study we followed the quantitative-qualitative research method in which we utilize question sheets as a data-collection tool. We chose the subjects for this research as Gil (1999) suggests, utilizing the simple random analysis method. With this in mind and according to the authors' concepts as well as with the results from the analysis of this research, we noted that the context in which the children live makes no difference for they will, somehow, end up playing. The most common children's games either for today's or yesterday's children are the collective ones. We understand that these child's games are highly beneficial to children since they help developing their motor, cognitive, affective and social, among other, skills.