A semi analytical solution is presented considering the interaction of mass transfer with a homogeneous chemical reaction of zero order/ first order reaction inside a cylindrical porous pellet. The corresponding hydrodynamic problem is formulated as a problem of flow past a porous circular cylinder for Stokes-Darcy coupled system. This is solved using a stream function approach employing the continuity of pressure, continuity of normal velocity component and Saffman slip condition for the tangential velocity component at the porous-liquid interface. The velocity field obtained inside the porous pellet is used to study the combined convection-diffusion-reaction problem subject to Robin type boundary condition, which takes into account the external mass transfer resistance. It is seen that in case of zero order reaction, for a particular combination of physical parameters, concentration takes negative values at some points inside the pellet, which is generally termed as starvation. A necessary and sufficient condition is derived ensuring the non-negativity of the concentration inside the pellet.
List of symbolsa Radius of the porous pellet [m] k Permeability of the porous pellet [m 2 ] r Radial distance v e Oscillatory velocity external to the porous pellet [m/s] p e Oscillatory pressure external to the porous pellet [N/m 2 ] V e Amplitude of the oscillatory velocity external to the porous pellet [m/s] P e Amplitude of the oscillatory pressure external to the porous pellet [N/m 2 ] V i Velocity internal to the porous pellet [m/s] P i Pressure internal to the porous pellet [N/m 2 ] p 0 Constant [N/m 2 ] U 1 Magnitude of the far field uniform velocity [m/s] c i Concentration inside the porous pellet [mol/m 3 ] S Uptake rate [mol/s] k 0 Rate constant [s -1 ] D Diffusivity [m 2 /s] I n Modified Bessel function of first kind K n Modified Bessel function of second kind k m Mass transfer coefficient [m/s] c 0 Concentration at the surface of the porous pellet [mol/m 3 ] c Dimensionless concentration Da ¼ k a 2 Darcy number l ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffi Da p Dimensionless parameter Pe ¼ U 1 a D Péclet number Sh ¼ k m a D Sherwood number Re ¼ lU 1 a q Reynolds number Sc ¼ m D