Financial risk is closely related to the risk of finance. For both institutions and financial industry, once financial risk occurs, it will bring great harm. It is very necessary to forewarn financial risks before they occur. Through the analysis and supervision of financial risk can effectively control the occurrence of financial crisis. In the current Internet era, blockchain technology has been widely used in various aspects. In finance, in particular, blockchain has brought great convenience to the analysis and supervision of its risks. This paper aims to study financial risk analysis and related regulatory research through the relevant technologies of big data and blockchain. This paper puts forward the way of combining theory and model to study financial risk. The risk value is obtained through the study of risk-related attributes. Experimental results show that the risk rate of financial risks under big data and blockchain technology has been reduced by 10%-15%. This degree of risk reduction is of great application in actual financial risk control. Financial security is closely related to financial risks and financial crises. Both risks and crises can be used to explain and measure the degree of security, and security can also be used to explain and measure risks and crises. The higher the degree of security, the lower the risk; conversely, the greater the risk, the lower the degree of security; a crisis is the result of a large-scale accumulation of risks, and a crisis is serious insecurity, which is an extreme of financial security.