) and the NCX inhibitor, SEA0400, were used to study the physiological role of NCX1 in mouse mesenteric arteries. NCX1 protein expression was greatly reduced in arteries from NCX1 SMϪ/Ϫ mice generated with Cre recombinase. Mean blood pressure (BP) was 6 -10 mmHg lower in NCX1 SMϪ/Ϫ mice than in wild-type (WT) controls. Vasoconstriction was studied in isolated, pressurized mesenteric small arteries from WT and NCX1 SMϪ/Ϫ mice and in heterozygotes with a global null mutation (NCX1 Fx/Ϫ ). Reduced NCX1 activity was manifested by a marked attenuation of responses to low extracellular Na ϩ concentration, nanomolar ouabain, and SEA0400. Myogenic tone (MT, 70 mmHg) was reduced by ϳ15% in NCX1 SMϪ/Ϫ arteries and, to a similar extent, by SEA0400 in WT arteries. MT (21, 48). Moreover, the SM-specific overexpression of NCX elevates BP and induces salt-dependent hypertension, and SEA0400 lowers BP in several salt-dependent animal models (21). Indeed, NCX type-1 (NCX1) is upregulated in mesenteric arteries from rats with ouabain-induced hypertension (33) and pulmonary arteries from humans with primary pulmonary hypertension (49). Whether NCX is involved in maintaining normal BP, however, has not been resolved. Here we employ a SM-specific knockout approach to examine the role of NCX in arterial contractility and the maintenance of vascular tone and BP.Three isoforms of NCX have been identified: NCX1 is abundant in the heart and is ubiquitously expressed, whereas NCX2 and NCX3 are both restricted to brain and skeletal muscle (34). NCX1 is the only isoform present in ASMCs, where two splice variants, NCX1.3 and NCX1.7, are expressed (27,35). In cardiac myocytes, NCX1 makes a major contribution to Ca 2ϩ extrusion during diastole (3, 11). Nevertheless, cardiac-specific NCX1 knockout mice thrive: the loss of NCX1 is compensated by a reduced L-type voltage-gated Ca 2ϩ channel (LVGC) current and a shortened action potential because of accelerated Ca 2ϩ -dependent LVGC inactivation and augmented transient outward K ϩ current (18,31,32). Importantly, cardiac NCX1-mediated Ca 2ϩ flux must be inward during depolarization and systole (5). The situation is complicated, however, because exchanger-mediated fluxes depend on the relative activation of the exchanger, governed by cytosolic Na ϩ and Ca 2ϩ (26), as well as on the net driving force, governed by the membrane potential (V m ) and the Na ϩ and Ca 2ϩ electrochemical gradients (5