Previous studies, conducted at the inception of rewetting degraded peatlands, reported that rewetting increased phosphorus (P) mobilization but long-term effects of rewetting on the soil P status are unknown. The objectives of this study were to (i) characterize P in the surface and subsurface horizons of long-term drained and rewetted percolation mires, forest, and coastal peatlands and (ii) examine the influence of drainage and rewetting on P speciation and distributions using wet-chemical and advanced spectroscopic analyses. The total P was significantly (p < 0.05) different at the surface horizons. The total concentration of P ranged from 1022 to 2320 mg kg−1 in the surface horizons and decreased by a factor of two to five to the deepest horizons. Results of the chemical, solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and P K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) indicated that the major proportions of total P were organic P (Po). In the same peatland types, the relative proportions of Po and stable P fractions were lower in the drained than in the rewetted peatland. The results indicate that long-term rewetting not only locks P in organic matter but also transforms labile P to stable P fractions at the surface horizons of the different peatland types.Soil Syst. 2020, 4, 11 2 of 20 dynamic and may be taken up by microbes and plants, lost by leaching and drainage, and form secondary P minerals [8,9]. Thus, a complete account of P species is required to predict the P mobilization or stabilization potential in long-term drained and rewetted peatland types [10,11].Phosphorus transformations can vary according to management practices, peatland types, topographic positions, historic, and current land use types [12]. For instance, when a peat soil predominated by redox-sensitive elements is rewetted, P mobilization and release of soluble P species can occur by the reductive dissolution of binding partners of phosphate, especially pedogenic Fe-(oxy)hydroxides [6,13,14]. However, there is no information on the influence of long-term drainage and rewetting of percolation mires, forest, and coastal peatlands.Traditional wet chemical and advanced spectroscopic analytical techniques such as sequential P fractionation, solution 31 P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy have been used successfully to investigate P species in mineral soils and other environmental samples [15]. However, none of these analytical techniques can decipher P species independently because of the complex chemical and biochemical processes of P such as dissolution-precipitation, sorption-desorption, mineralization-immobilization, and oxidation-reduction [16]. Thus, the combined use of wet chemical and spectroscopic analytical techniques could provide detailed information on the impacts of management practices on various P species distributions and transformations.About 30,000 ha of degraded peatlands have been rewetted in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, northern German since the mid-1...