The Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium seeks to foster quality information exchange between recreation, tourism, and resource managers and researchers throughout the Northeast. The forum provides opportunities for recreation and tourism research managers from different agencies, state, and government levels, as well as those in the private sector to discuss current issues, problems, and research applications in the field. Students and all those interested in continuing education in recreation and tourism management are particularly welcome.
NERR 2003 STEERING COMMITTEE:Andy Abstract: This paper reports on a study of outdoor recreation preferences and behavior of 618 (non-Hispanic) White, 647 African American, and 346 Hispanic Americans in Cook County, Illinois. Respondents were contacted by a phone survey using random digit dialing and a quota for each group. Binary logistic regression models were estimated to explain the use of 19 sites in and near the Chicago Metropolitan Area and one distant site. These models are used to help explain the implications of demographic change for participation at individual recreation sites. Suggestions are made for improving subsequent modeling efforts aimed at explaining the use of recreation sites in and near Metropolitan areas.