Aiming at the existing rice mechanized seeding technology it is difficult to meet the hybrid rice low seeding volume precision seeding requirements. In this paper, based on the friction characteristics of rice seed and the theory of silo arching, the structure and parameters of seed filling room with staggered oriented plates and vibration in the quantitative seed supply device were designed. EDEM software was used to simulate the working process of the quantitative seed supply device, and it was determined that staggered oriented plates structure in the seed filling room combined with vibration could effectively prevent seed arching, thus improving the uniformity of seed supply. Finally, the results of the simulation analysis were verified by rice quantitative seed supply test. The results showed that the vibration could increase the seed supply frequency by 3.64% for large sowing weight of conventional rice and 5.52% for small sowing weight of hybrid rice. In addition, the analysis of the coefficient of variation of the seed supply frequency by quantitative seed supply devices showed that the vibration effect could increase the stability of seed supply device by 2.47 % for the conventional rice seed and 1.33 % for the hybrid rice seed, which increased the seed supply stability.