“…The existing measurements of accessibility and health care services utilization include raster and network data models [25], Digiroad [26], the combination of land cover (GlobCover), elevation, road and river layers in AccessMod [27], Euclidian distance [28], the combination of the two-step floating catchment area method, the distance factor, the Huff-based competitive model [29], model-based estimates of average trip length [30], geographic information system-shortened path analysis and two-step floating catchment area methods [31], the index of commercial geospatial data quality/availability [32], the potential geographic accessibility in different scenarios [33], geographic information system maps [34], demographic mapping methods [35], straight-line distance, network distance, network travel time, raster travel time, mechanized, and nonmechanized [36], the two-step floating catchment area [37], and proximity [38]. These methods measure the accessibility or utilization of health care services by travel time, travel distance, travel behavior information, care resources, commercial geocoding, and neighborhood characterization.…”