. Can. J. Chem. 63, 3558 (1985). The chemical and spectroscopic properties of the hexanitrocobaltate(lII) anion are not in accord with the classification of the N-bonded nitrite ion as a strong field ligand. The nitro groups are rapidly displaced by other ligands, including water, and in dilute aqueous solution spontaneous reduction to Co(l1) occurs. Comparison of solid state and solution vibrational and '"Co nmr spectra demonstrates that the principal species in solution is the same as in the solid. All ligands are N-bonded. However, within 2 or 3 min of dissolution new species appear. An electron transfer mechanism for ligand exchange is suggested. It is shown that the band at 480 nm arises from the first d-d transition of the pentanitroaquacobaltate(l1l) ion and not from a hexanitrocobaltate(l1I) transition. The composition of the aged solutions has been studied by '"Co, '"N, and I7O nmr. At least 10 different species are apparent in the '"Co spectra. They have been assigned to mixed nitro/nitrito/aqua ions. Electron transfer can also lead to the formation of Co" and NO; ions, both ions being detccted by "N and 170 nmr spcctroscopy. The Co complexed nitro ligand has been detected for the first time in the "N nmr spectrum. Analysis of "Co chemical shifts shows that the crystal field strength of the nitro ligand falls steadily with the number of nitro groups in the molecule. The cis groups are four times more effective than the trclrls groups in causing this change. The cyano ligand shows the opposite behaviour -the crystal field strength increases with substitution and trc1n.s groups have a larger effect than cis groups. The reactions of the hexanitrocobaltate(Il1) ion with ethylenediamine and with cyanide ions havc bcen studied by '"Co nmr. Mixed nitro complexes are formed with ethylencdiamine but mixed nitrito complexes predominate with cyanide. RICHARD J. BUIST, STEVE C. F. Au-YEUNG et DONALD R. EATON. Can. J. Chem. 63, 3558 (1985). Les proprittes chirniques et spectroscopiques de I'anion hexanitrocobaltate(lII) ne correspondent pas a la classification de I'ion nitrite lik par I'azote cornrne une ligand de champ fort. Les groupcments nitro sont rapidement remplacks par d'autres ligands, y cornpris I'cau, et, en solutions aqueuscs dilutes, il se produit une rtduction spontanke en Co(1l). Une comparaison des spectres vibrationnels ainsi que rnm du '"Co, tant a 1'Ctat solide qu'en solution, dtmontre que les principales espkces en solution sont les m&mes qu'i I'ttat solide. Tous les ligands sont lies par I'azote. Toutefois, il apparait de nouvelles espkces en moins de trois minutes aprks leur dissolution. On suggkre que I'tchange de ligand se produit par un mtcanisme impliquant un transfert d'tlectron. On dtrnontre que la bande a 480 nm provient de la premikre transition d-d de I'ion pentanitroaquacobaltate(111) et non pas d'une transition de 1'hexanitrocobaltatc(lII). Faisant appel a la rmn du '"Co, du "N et du 17 0 , on a ttudik la composition de solutions qui avaient vieilli. On peut dtceler la prtsence d'au...