Using small molecules with defined pockets to catalyze chemical transformations resulted in attractive catalytic syntheses that echo the remarkable properties of enzymes. By modulating the active site of an icotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) model in aredox-active molecular flask, we combined biomimetic hydrogenation with in situ regeneration of the active site in aone-pot transformation using light as ac lean energy source.T his molecular flask facilitates the encapsulation of benzoxazinones for biomimetic hydrogenation of the substrates within the inner space of the flask using the active sites of the NADH models.T he redox-active metal centers providea na ctive hydrogen source by light-driven proton reduction outside the pocket, allowing the in situ regeneration of the NADH models under irradiation. This new synthetic platform, which offers control over the location of the redoxevents,provides aregenerating system that exhibits high selectivity and efficiency and is extendable to benzoxazinone and quinoxalinone systems.Catalytic synthetic methods that are inspired by natural enzyme prototypes that react under an ambient atmosphere and use benign solvents and clean energy are am ajor endeavor in synthetic chemistry. [1] To match the efficiency and selectivity of enzymatic systems,c hemists use small molecules with defined hydrophobic cavities that emulate the properties of enzyme active sites to catalyze specific chemical transformations. [2,3] An exciting area in this research includes the incorporation of transition-metal moieties as redox-active vertices that mimic the highly evolved and finely tuned natural photocatalytic systems by catching organic dyes in the pocket. [4,5] Such aseparation of the redox events by the inner and outer spaces of the cavity provides an ew synthetic platform that combines photocatalytic reduction with as pecific hydrogenation reaction.Nature has developed millions of redox systems in which the redox process is catalyzed by numerous coenzymes. [6,7] Taking advantage of modified prototypes and hydride reduction cofactors,chemists have developed abiomimetic hydrogenation approach employing Hantzsch esters with relevant compounds that function as mimics of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH). [8,9] In terms of the availability,a tom economy,a nd by-product removal, the combination of lightdriven proton reduction to regenerate the active sites is apromising approach that has not been reported in the field of renewable and recyclable NADH mimics. [10,11] From ac atalytic perspective,t he challenges in developing one-pot catalytic processes include the combination of photoredox catalysis and hydrogenation catalysis,i na ddition to the compatibility between the dynamic kinetics and reaction intermediates and the synergy of the inside and outside redox processes.Through direct modulation of two tridentate chelating donors at the meta sites of ac entral dihydropyridine amido (DHPA) mimic relative to the active site of an NADH model, metal-organic macrocycles that contain redox-...