Common building products, i.e., thin brick and stone veneer, add the look of brick walls or the enduring charm of natural stones into buildings and houses without imposing a substantial increase in structural load. This study investigates the mechanical strength, durability, and economic feasibility of producing innovative char-based thin bricks and stone veneers. The char-based thin brick vacuum treated with hydrophobic liquid exhibits water absorption rates within the 4–7% range, displays durability against 50 freeze–thaw (F-T) cycles, and maintains a saturation coefficient below 0.6. In contrast, commercial thin bricks have water absorption of 9–12%. Treated char-based stone veneer has water absorption of 5.3% and an average compressive strength of 19.2 MPa, maintains its structural integrity throughout 50 F-T cycles, and exhibits a negligible linear shrinkage of approximately 0.01%. In contrast, commercial stone veneers have water absorption of 10–16%. These engineering properties meet the criteria as per ASTM standards C1088 and C1670 for thin brick and stone veneer, respectively. A techno-economic study was preliminarily conducted to examine the potential cost efficiency and cash flow in manufacturing these char-based building products. The manufacturing cost of USD 25.83 is lower than the average market price of 64.65 USD/sq. m. for thin bricks. The manufacturing cost of USD 32.65 is lower than the average market price of 129.17 USD/sq. m. for stone veneers. These comparisons present a compelling economic advantage for their commercialization. This comprehensive study has demonstrated the advantages of sustainable char-based stone veneers and thin bricks regarding engineering performance and economic benefits.