Domestic violence is a problem that often occurs in Indonesia. One law that regulates domestic violence is "Law Number 23, the Year 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence (PKDRT Law). Based on Article 44 paragraph (1) of the PKDRT Law, a person who commits physical violence against another person will be subject to a maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) years and a maximum fine of Rp. 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million rupiahs); however, in verdict Number 90/Pid B/2016/PN Bir, the defendant was sentenced to a conditional criminal sentence in the form of imprisonment for one year and a fine of Rp. 2,000 but with a probationary period so that, at that time, the defendant was not imprisoned. This study aims to determine whether the conditional criminal sentence in decision number 90/Pid B/2016/PN Bir can provide justice for victims. This research uses normative research methods by analyzing the judge's decision associated with one of the objectives of the law, namely justice.It concludes that the conditional criminal decision in the case of domestic violence (verdict number 90/Pid B/2016/PN Bir) has not been able to realize legal justice for the victim. Because the convict has made a mistake, he should get an appropriate punishment as stipulated in the PKDRT Law. It will not realize justice for the victim since, in conditional punishment, the panel of judges did not set special conditions to guarantee the victim's recovery. In the end, the perpetrators of domestic violence do not get sanctions following their actions, and the victims also do not get justice for all the losses experienced as a result of domestic violence.