ῌ 7 ῌ photodissociation. In our case, however, reduction of the kinetic energy E 1 also reduces the available collision energy.Thus, the curved-field reflectron (CFR) was developed to enable us to utilize the full kinetic energy, resulting from the initial ion acceleration, as the collision energy.
4)The CFR, while developed for the tandem instrument, was also very e#ective for obtaining postsource decay (PSD) product ion mass spectra on a single reflectron instrument.
5), 6)PSD was introduced by Spengler et al. 7) for single mass analyzer instruments with a reflectron, but required changing the reflectron voltage to focus separately di#erent regions of the product ion mass spectrum. The CFR, however, enabled recording of the entire product ion mass range at a single, fixed voltage. Fig. 2. An approach to the design of a tandem TOF mass spectrometer described in ref. 8, in which precursor ions are decelerated prior to entering the collision chamber, and the product ions are then extracted and reaccelerated from a pulsed "second source" before entering the reflectron. Fig. 3. An approach to the design of a tandem mass spectrometer described in ref. 9, in which the product ions with velocities equal to that of their precursor enter a "lift cell" prior to mass analysis.R. J. Cotter, et al.ῌ 8 ῌ
Results and Discussion2.1 Tandem mass spectrometers using pulsed extraction and a single reflectron One of the disadvantages of the two reflectron instrument was that considerable post-source decay occurred before the ions entered the first reflectron. The resulting product ions do not arrive at the collision chamber and mass-selector at the same time as their precursor, and so are gated out from the spectrum. Thus, a considerably more sensible approach would be to use a simple, linear TOF as the first mass analyzer, using the fact that precursors and their products will maintain the same velocity and reach the mass-selector at the same time. The combination of a pulsed, linear TOF as a first mass analyzer and a reflectron second mass analyzer is the approach generally used in current tandem TOF instruments, though in some cases deceleration of the ions prior to reaching the collision chamber loses the advantage of recording all mass-selected Fig. 4. An approach to the design of a tandem mass spectrometer described in ref. 10 that does not require deceleration or reacceleration, but focuses product ions in a curved-field reflectron.Fig. 5. Collision-induced dissociation, tandem mass spectra of buckminsterfullerene (C60) at di#erent pressures of helium collision gas.Tandem Time-of-Flight (TOF/TOF) Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics ῌ 9 ῌ post source product ions. For example, in the instrument shown in Fig. 2a and described by Medzihradszky et al. 8) ions formed in the source are accelerated to energies of 20 keV, massselected by a timed ion gate, and then decelerated to 1῍ 2 keV before entering the collision chamber. After the ions are passed through the collision chamber, the remaining precursor and the product ions are rea...