Current taxpayers’ segmentation is relatively limited and static. The existing segmentation problem, which is
related to the taxpayers ‘behaviour, requires modern segmentation-analysis methods and models, which would evaluate
the change of economic and psychographic taxpayers‘indicators. Purpose of the study: to provide conceptual taxpayers’
segmentation model, which allows to classify and analyse them according to the taxpayers’ behaviour and known legal
facts. Research is based on analytical approach, there were invoked a systemic, logical and comparative analysis of
scientific literature. Findings: the knowledge about the specific behaviour of the taxpayers‘ segment groups (tax compliance/
enforced tax obligations) would enable us to determine the main impacting factors. Better comprehension of the
taxpayers‘ and their executives (decision-makers) behaviour would allow to enhance administrative institutions' abilities
in analytics and to determine the unknown yet connections and phenomenons between separate taxpayers in the context
of effectual law basis. Clearer taxpayers‘ identification by segment groups and behaviour risk factors, which are specific
to separate groups, will enable faster determination of outliers as well as newly forming potential risks. Dynamic changes
between separate groups or in them will form preconditions for timely implemention of taxpayers‘ monitoring and
control tools for reaching a positive change in the behaviour of taxpayers.