Network quality of service (NQoS) of IP networks is unpredictable and impacts the quality of networked multimedia services. Adaptive voice and video schemes are therefore vital for the provision of voice over IP (VoIP) services for optimised quality of experience (QoE). Traditional adaptation schemes based on NQoS do not take perceived quality into consideration even though the user is the best judge of quality. Additionally, uncertainties inherent in NQoS parameter measurements make the design of adaptation schemes difficult and their performance suboptimal. This paper presents a QoE-driven adaptation scheme for voice and video over IP to solve the optimisation problem to provide optimal QoE for networked voice and video applications. The adaptive VoIP architecture was implemented and tested both in NS2 and in an Open IMS Core network to allow extensive simulation and test-bed evaluation. Results show that the scheme was optimally responsive to available network bandwidth and congestion for both voice and video and optimised delivered QoE for different network conditions, and is friendly to TCP traffic.