List of Abbreviations
AbstractThe effective and efficient management of construction resources is the core of success for any construction project. Traditionally, researchers and industry professionals identify the five main construction resources to include, time, capital, labor, equipment and material. Although, one of the important project resources that have been overlooked during the planning phases of most construction projects is site space. The contractors in Egypt impose serious challenges to plan for material procurement and site logistics due to the insufficiency of construction site space. The aim of this research is to optimize the construction logistics planning cost in Egypt. A literature review is performed on an adapted construction logistics planning model, whereas, implementing and verifying the automated construction logistics planning model using genetic algorithms, applying and validating a case study to the automated construction logistics planning model to the Egyptian industry which is expected to help contractors in Egypt to develop more optimized site layout plans and procurement plans to avoid material shortage and unorganized site layouts that could led to cost overruns.