“…The first category consists of efforts focusing on statistical pattern recognition, whereas the second category comprises efforts focusing on template matching and content-based image retrieval. Regarding the first category, representative studies may be found in (Cavalcanti, et al, 2013), which proposed a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier using 52 features extracted based on the ABCD rule with 99.3% overall accuracy, in Jaleel et al (2012), which proposed an artificial neural network (ANN) classifier with 100% prediction accuracy and in Ruiz et al (2011), which proposed an ensemble pattern recognition scheme combining three distinct classifiers, the k-NN, the Bayesian and the ANN, with accuracy 87.76%. Regarding the second category, representative studies can be found in Ballerini et al (2010;2013), which proposed a content-based image retrieval system investigating textural and color features, in Maragoudakis and Maglogiannis (2011), which proposed an ontology structure model based on features extracted from skin lesion images based on agglomerative clustering and distance criteria and in Chen et al (2016), which is a recent study proposing a content-based image retrieval system that identified melanomas on plain photography images with performances exceeding 90% for all metrics tested.…”